As with San Francisco, it strikes me as to how much wealthier everything is. Maybe I'm just seeing everything through sugar coated vision and being unfair to Auckland. The campus is definitely impressive; considering UofT supposedly (only) has twice the number of students as UofA, it seems disproportionately big. The on-campus facilities include the necessary gym(s), pool(s), running track etc. all free to use for every happy student. Sport is a part of uni life here just like it was in NZ high school. There are both inter and intra-varsity leagues for heaps of sports. I haven't yet been to a football game, but I hear it's loud.
Most of the buildings on campus are (or just look) old and impressive, and there are many secluded quite grassy areas to hide away in... although I haven't yet done such a thing. I'm being superficial in my propaganda, what matters surely are the classes. I'm taking 3 Engineering Science:Aerospace papers and 2 Computer Science papers. I can't really compare the compsci subjects to back home, but the engineering papers seem, on the outset, that they will be going deeper into similar material that we do at home.
I have two standout papers so far: Dynamics and Computer Graphics. Dynamics is _finally_ a from-the-start-no-dicking-about-course-on-kinematics... yusss. So far we've derived the equation for the shadow of a sundial and (strange) relationship between the shafts of a universal joint w00t :P. Computer graphics looks like it's going to be a whole lotta fun, we're learning the background methods of and also using OpenGL for... graphics. If anyone has some cool ideas for a (relatively) simple 3D app/game/whatever tell me and maybe I can aim towards it during semester.
I haven't really talked about the city, and I haven't really visited enough to say a lot, and it's at this point that I change the title of the blog post. What I can say is that everything is bigger just like in San Fran. In other news, tomorrow 18 of us are renting 4 cars and driving to Algonquin park for 2 nights of camping, organised only in the last two days :D
I leave you with a picture of St. George St, in the middle of campus.
What's with you and inanimate objects possessing wealth?
Why do you stick the 'f' in an acronymized 'of'?
Why did you write 'quite' instead of 'quiet'?
As you can see, your absence and lack of e-mail has impeded my pedant urge to correct others' speech (or rather their writing). So the question is, why don't you e-mail us more? Surely you have enough time in the day or night, whatever it happens to be over there, to sleep. Making ambiguous remarks as to who you are doing it with would only confirm my surmising. And if you have enough time to sleep you have enough time to e-mail. So crack on with it, would you? I have come to expect a certain degree of communication brought by those who bugger off to North America all the time, so far you've not delivered. Bottom of the heap, as it were. Relating to which, who is she/he?
Most posts!
Interesting, although your posts get progressively more whiny as they come along.
Hey your blog is really entertaining :)
Sup Bojan.
Decent blog.
Kinda impressive with the whole Canada/Sanfran/Brad Pitt thing.
Abalalog! Oooh!
I would turn Canadian to live in a brick house again. I would turn engineer (well, maybe) to steal your sundial class.
How was Algonquin?
I demand updates!
Can we expect a belated october/november super-post any time soon? Like before you return to NZ perhaps?
Seriously, you need to get your priorities in order. Blogging ranks far above studying.
Anyway hope all is still going well etc and all the usual stuff
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