Toronto is a proper big city, with proper big city goings on. In this case it's the Toronto film festival, and hopefully I'll go see a film later this week. Also on this weekend was the V-fest event on the Toronto islands (basically a 2-day Big Day Out) and some sort of protest that woke me up Saturday morning.
I've been here a week, and my excuse for not posting was that it has genuinely been hectic. There is also the reason of me delaying my Toronto post because I wanted it to be awesome, but it won't be, and now it's late.
I cbf being creative so I'm going to do the Day 1,2... thing :D
Day 1:
Arrived at residence at 8:30pm after only paying $1.50 to get there via subway. Spent night hanging out meeting fellow residents.
Day 2:
Can't remember morning, but went to Toronto Islands with international students on my floor. My floor is all one semester ppl and most of these are exchange students and most of these are Australian... This was also labour day and the unions actually bother to hold events/protest. Went to cool pub with random waiter who sang us the Canadian national anthem.
Day 3: Took care of getting multitude of cards and stuff from places at the uni I am meant to see. This took ages. Had dinner, hung out, done. Btw, the engineers here have a way better orientation: they divide up into groups, wear yellow t-shirts and march around campus chanting and taunting the other faculties, then they march around town. I also hear they go swimming in some fountain then all jump in giant vats of purple paint. They call this 'Frosh'
Day 4: I honestly can't account for many hours of many of these days, if I wasn't talking to someone then I was probably around or eating. Went to giant frosh dance party, it was friggin off the chain.
Day 5+6: Classes start, yay! Nothing new learned. Saw Brad Pitt.
Day 7: Lazy day, went to Chinatown (bird shat on head), then clubbing later.
Day 8: Another lazy day.
Day 9: Today, more class, murdered with the maths that I don't know :,(
Man, this post sounds pretty emo. I think it's just because it's late at night and I'm forcing myself to write. But seriously, this place is awesome, the floor is awesome, the people are awesome, the residence facilities are awesome, the classes are awesome and my roommate isn't too bad either. The next posts won't be stories but rather profiles of people (roommate) and places...!!!
And if you don't believe me:
Hey he's that guy. Where's the big 'show comments on every post without having to go to a completely different page to do so' button?
*imagines Bojan ogling like a young girl at Brad Pitt*
I love your blog boj.
It means i can still laugh at you even though you are absent.
Keep up the good work
miss you heaps
Need moar blogs!
Hope things are going well. Missing you.
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